A Greener, Fairer, Stronger future for York & North Yorkshire

York & North Yorkshire’s emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighted in a new report, published today (27).

The annual report for York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership also reflects £220m of investment secured by the LEP across the region in infrastructure, business and skills and looks ahead to the area’s forthcoming Local Industrial Strategy.

David Kerfoot MBE DL, chair of the York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, our region, like every region across the nation, has suffered a major economic shock. With an economy built on small and micro businesses, many of which are in B2C sectors, the impact has been felt beyond economics. Communities, the livelihoods of families and individuals have been impacted greatly. The community response is something that our region can be proud of, a coming together with a common goal and shared values to support one another across this huge and diverse landscape.

“Like any crisis, how you emerge is to a certain extent, a matter of perspective. It is our belief that by working together across our local areas and our strong network of partners, by listening to businesses, we can emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic with an economy that is greener, fairer and stronger.

“The crisis has amplified the need for us to deliver against the priorities laid out in our Local Industrial Strategy, legitimising our longer term vision. We must capitalise on our unique capability to deliver good growth through green technologies and secure a prosperous future for York and North Yorkshire.”

The annual report highlights the LEP’s four priority areas: Connected and resilient places; People reaching their full potential; An economy powered by Good Businesses and World leading land management. These priorities influence how funding and support is allocated. Included in the report is a £220.8m running total of investment for the region over the past five years which includes skills capital investment and funding for new roads, cycleways, rail schemes, flood alleviation schemes, business parks and housing. Recent research projects, such as a natural capital study and how market towns can be fit for the future, are also highlighted.

This is the first annual report for the LEP since geographical boundaries changed on April 1 2020. The LEP complied with Government guidelines on overlapping geographies, in line with neighbours at Humber and Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnerships.

One of 38 Local Enterprise Partnerships across England, the York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership is a business led collaboration between local authorities and local private sector businesses.  It plays a central role in determining local economic priorities and undertaking activities to drive economic growth and job creation, improve infrastructure and raise workforce skills within the region. It also oversees the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, which provides local businesses with funding, guidance and support.

The York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership annual report can be viewed online here.

