Growth Hub launch Jobs Fuse to help with employment challenges during COVID-19

New employment service launched to help employers and employees

A new service has been launched to help those who have been made unemployed as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak in the York & North Yorkshire region to get back into employment, whilst also supporting key regional employers with the challenges they face where staffing is concerned due to the pandemic.

York & North Yorkshire Jobs Fuse, brings the expertise of the National Careers Service, the Department for Work and Pensions and the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub together to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for both job seekers and local employers.

This service will connect employers who have urgent vacancies with suitable candidates across the region available for an immediate start. Employers making redundancies will be able to secure support for their employees, labour market intelligence and information on suitable opportunities in the region. A dedicated helpline is available for employers to ensure that they receive a timely and efficient service.

York & North Yorkshire Jobs Fuse aims to support individuals who have lost their jobs or whose employment has been affected during the crisis through its dedicated telephone enquiry service – which offers free, impartial and professional advice – including practical aspects such as CV writing and advice on exploring funding for training.

Sam Alexander, Chair of the LEP Skills Board, said: “We’re delighted to announce the launch of York & North Yorkshire Jobs Fuse, a fabulous example of partnership-working to find creative solutions to new and unprecedented challenges for people and businesses in our area. We know that many of our business leaders are having to make really difficult decisions regarding their companies and people and many people are worried about their jobs and income.

“York & North Yorkshire Jobs Fuse will play a vital role in connecting workers with valuable skills and experience to new opportunities, allowing much smoother transitions between jobs and ensuring essential vacancies can be filled quickly. It’s a great example of how effective partnership working and joining up of services can lead to impactful investment in our people, businesses and communities.”

Jo Corney, Service Leader, Department for Work and Pensions added: “We are very pleased to see how York & North Yorkshire partners have worked together to support the work of our Jobcentre Plus colleagues who are incredibly busy, but working hard to ensure that everyone gets the support they need at this challenging time.” 

Kathleen Shields, Area Manager for Education Development Trust, Prime contractor for the National Careers Service in Yorkshire and the Humber said: “We face hugely uncertain economic times and in response to this we are delighted to be coming together with DWP and the York & North Yorkshire LEP to form York & North Yorkshire Jobs Fuse.

“The National Careers Service is uniquely positioned to be able to provide free and impartial careers and employment advice and guidance to residents and employers across the York & North Yorkshire area, all delivered by our team of professional careers advisers.” 

This service will be promoted online through our Jobs Fuse page and social media channels, including the Growth Hub’s Facebook Group which at a grassroots level, is promoting the sharing of jobs and skills amongst our communities.

We hope that our many partners will get behind this initiative so that it reaches those employers and individuals who can benefit the most.

Find out more about Jobs Fuse or access the service here.

