Growth Hub promotes new Learning Toolkit to help businesses and employees during COVID-19

The York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub has created a new Learning Toolkit to help businesses and employees in our region access online learning resources during these difficult times. This follows the launch last week of the Government’s own national Skills Toolkit.

As a response to COVID-19 which has seen many employees furloughed or now working from home, skills providers across the region have been working hard to adapt their provision to this new environment.

Working with local providers and partners who offer high-quality learning resources, the Growth Hub has been able to create this local Learning Toolkit to help individuals and businesses access the knowledge and skills they need for resilience and productivity during and beyond the pandemic.

The local Learning Toolkit includes a range of resources and short courses from a variety of providers and aims to tackle some of the challenges that are facing business in this economic climate, such as How to Manage Change. All of the resources are available online and many are free to access.

Claire Gavaghan, Deputy Chair of the York & North Yorkshire LEP Skills Board commented in a recent thought-piece said, “ Increasing productivity, learning new skills & ways of working are vital for this region and the UK. This means all employers need to generate growth and that requires investment in skill development, not when the skill is needed, but ahead of time. 

With the advances of training online together with excellent remote support, it is a great time to invest for the future through training and upskilling staff.”

The Growth Hub and its skills partners are committed to helping businesses and individuals to remain engaged, productive and positive in these times. The Learning Toolkit will be regularly updated and the Growth Hub invites feedback on what other resources should be included. Contact with any comments or suggestions.

