Scaling your business

Your business is established but you need support to take it to the next level.

Ready to scale your business but need help?

Now you’re in a position where you can sustain growth in your business without feeling the impact in other areas, you may be looking at ways to accelerate this further. To achieve this, you might require support with moving premises, investing in technology or seeking out new markets.

Regardless of your ambitions, it is worthwhile formalising existing processes that may have been more fluid while the business was growing from a start-up. This will create fixed structures that will form a solid foundation for handling accelerating growth.

In addition, this will allow you to evaluate your processes. Doing so could highlight ways in which you can streamline operations and improve efficiency, which will have a positive impact on your finances.

You may also want to explore investing in robust software and systems. These will help you to overcome rising organisational challenges, including tax and regulatory requirements, as well as those associated with a growing workforce.

We want to support businesses that are scaling up as large organisations are important to driving innovation, nurturing skills and creating new opportunities in our region. Whether you are located here or looking to move to the area, our expert team provide personalised help aimed at supporting scaling up businesses to achieve their aspirations. 

Scaling a business:
5 questions to ask

  • Can I support accelerating growth within my business?
  • Do I have sufficient cash flow to support a higher level of growth?
  • Is there the right infrastructure and workforce locally to sustain your plans
  • Are there opportunities to expand globally?
  • What systems do I need to maintain quality and service while scaling up operations?

Scaling a business: Common questions

As a large business, what support can I access?

There is a range of support that scaling businesses can access through their Local Enterprise Partnership, the Government and local authority. This can include assistance with business rates and grants for investing in equipment and infrastructure that will positively impact jobs in the region. There is also support for businesses that want to upskill their workforce, as well as create opportunities for apprentices.

Make UK can provide consultancy and training for large businesses, and Innovate UK and the British Business Bank are trusted sources when considering finance options your expansion plans. In addition, if you are looking at new export markets, the Department for Business and Trade can provide assistance in this area.

Financial support for scaling businesses in the York and North Yorkshire region is frequently changing. You can speak with our team about your growth plans and find out more about what you may be eligible for.


How can I have a say in local developments that will support my business?

North Yorkshire Council has a business engagement officer who acts as a channel through which businesses can engage directly with the planning and infrastructure team. This ensures that large-scale projects and planning applications are clearly communicated, and allows for an open and constructive dialogue to be established.

The York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (Y&NYLEP) are also working closely with businesses to share intelligence and ensure that they have a voice when it comes to local concerns over skills, access, infrastructure & supply chain.

What are the benefits to (re)locating my business in York or North Yorkshire?

As well as the opportunity to access financial assistance, there are many benefits to locating your business in North Yorkshire. As well as outstanding transport links and access to crucial supply chain companies, our region has a wealth of skilled worker and a quality of life that is the envy of many. You can book an appointment with one of our growth managers, who would be delighted to go into more detail and discuss your individual business needs.

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How can we be more sustainable?

Being more sustainable makes good business sense. It can foster respect from customers and employees alike, and can positively affect your bottom line too. There are some simple steps that your business can take including recycling, looking at energy use, reducing travel for meetings and reviewing your supply chain.

As part of the Local Enterprise Partnership, we are closely linked with Circular Yorkshire. Here you will find a range of case studies from other businesses adopting a more sustainable approach and our six benefits to business.

We employ migrant workers – what do we need to know?

You need to ensure that a person from outside the UK has permission to work in the UK if you employ or intend to employ them. You also need to ensure that and documentation that they supply is genuine and that workers from specified countries are registered with the Home Office’s Worker Registration Scheme.

In addition, now that the UK has left the EU, migrant workers from the EU must apply for the new settlement scheme. Full details and a toolkit for employers is available from the government website.

What opportunities are there for innovation?

Our region aims to cultivate innovation in a diverse range of sectors including food and drink, low carbon digital, bioscience and manufacturing. Our Growth Managers can put you in touch with relevant organisations and highlight the financial opportunities that will support your plans.

Innovate UK is also set up to accelerate innovate and drive investment into research and development. They can help you to connect with the right people to turn your ideas into commercially successful products and services.

What opportunities are there to upskill my workforce?

Our training pages include links to training courses such as skills bootcampsdigital skills training, and national programmes. The service can work with you to identify skills gaps and recommend tailored training solutions.

In addition, businesses can look to use their apprenticeship levy to upskill their existing employees. More information can be found in our guide:

Download Apprenticeships Toolkit

