Business development series: Find your path – reshape your business for a recession

8 Dec 2020

FREE webinar: 8 December, 12:00 – 1:00pm

This free webinar will act as a business planning session helping attendees to re-evaluate and develop their businesses as we pass through a difficult trading period.

As we pass through a difficult trading period, is it enough to carry on with business as usual? What should you do differently? This webinar will pose some useful questions to ask yourself, and give you some ideas to make changes.

This webinar is a business planning session. It will encourage you reflect on key areas of your business, including your expectations. What can you achieve? What do you want to achieve? What must you achieve – breakeven?

The webinar will also discuss capability – do you focus on core products and services, or do you diversify? What new skills do you need? Could you partner with someone else? As well as asking key questions about motivation – what is the point? Why are you in business?

In this one-hour workshop, you will learn:

  • How best to spend your time to maximise business.
  • Adapting products and clients to identify those which are most profitable.
  • How to identify what you are good at. And what you are not.
  • How to reconnect with why you are doing this.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions to our speakers at the end of the webinar.


Gareth Allen – Founder of Gareth Allen Performance Coaching and Business Coach

Gareth has a wealth of experience across many industries. Having occupied senior management roles in retail and banking, he now runs his own business and helps others to achieve their potential.

He takes a “whole life” approach to coaching, helping people to achieve their goals within the context of their wider world, rather than just focusing on one small area at a time. “I am passionate about helping people to reach their goals. Just as important, I want people to enjoy their journey towards those goals. It’s not just about the destination, it’s about the road we travel.”


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