Visitor Economy Series: How to create and convert traffic for your website.

25 Feb 2021

FREE webinar: 25 February, 11:00am – 12:00pm

In this workshop, Susan Briggs (Director of The Tourism Network) will help tourism businesses to understand how to create and convert website traffic.

Even when you have an excellent tourism website, there’s no guarantee it will result in income, unless you can attract traffic to your site and then convert visitors into bookings. This fast-paced workshop will help you to understand how to get people to your website and then how to encourage them to visit or book. No technical knowhow needed!

In this one-hour workshop, you will learn:

  • The three main ways anyone will find your website
  • Visitors – what’s in their minds and how can you influence them
  • How to improve the words on your website so search engines find you and visitors love you
  • The two most important steps to converting lookers into bookers

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions to our speaker at the end of the webinar.


Susan Briggs – Director of The Tourism Network

Susan Briggs has helped over 8000 tourism businesses to improve their marketing and develop more revenue. After 30 years in tourism marketing, her approach is both strategic and practical, understanding that most tourism businesses have very limited budgets and not enough time. She enjoys using trends and changes in the market place to exploit new opportunities and help business owners to generate more profit. Susan places strong emphasis on small, step-by-step actions that anyone can take, encouraging tourism businesses to stand out from the competition and become more sustainable.


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