Business Basics Series: Know Your Numbers

14 Jan 2021

FREE webinar: 14 January, 12:00 – 1:30pm

This free webinar will help small business owners to understand the terminology and usefulness of different kinds of financial information.

This webinar will provide guidance on the difference between profit and cash flow and what KPI’s are relevant and what they say about your business. The webinar will also discuss what Management Accounts are and how are they produced and how to interpret the information.       

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What information is key to your business
  • The difference between profit and cash
  • An understanding of the terminology that stakeholders may use in relation to your business and what it means
  • What Management Information you should be reviewing and when

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions to our speaker at the end of the webinar.


Joanne Tomlinson – CDI Alliance Associate & MD – Business Works UK Ltd

Jo is the owner of Business Works UK, an advisory led Accountancy Practice, a growth coach and a certified Quickbooks Trainer.  Clients want more from their Accountant than an end of year history lesson! They want to work with advisors who they trust to give them advise on their business.  Jo works closely with business owners helping them to achieve the dreams and goals they have for their businesses.


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