KTPs: How to get academic insight and experience into your business

20 Jul 2020

FREE webinar: 20 July, 12:15 – 1:00 pm

Join the University of York as they introduce the new Management Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (mKTPs) and explain how they could benefit your business.

Effective Management and Leadership can be the difference between companies that thrive and those that fail. That is why Innovate UK has introduced a new match funded programme designed to inject significant management expertise into businesses to expand business capability, increase efficiency and enable lasting change and growth.

This new programme, the Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership or mKTP forms part of the existing £multi-million KTP Programme.

We are running a webinar on Monday 20th July to provide first hand experiences of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and details about the new mKTP. The webinar will take place from 12:15 – 13.00.

What are KTPs?

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are dynamic, three way partnerships that link a business, an expert academic team and a suitably qualified and talented graduate. The KTP team collaborates to deliver a strategic project – sharing expertise, experience and resources to bring about change, embed knowledge and deliver growth.

KTP costs are shared between the business and Innovate UK through a unique type of match-funding. KTP is all about collaboration, with projects lasting from between 12 months to three years.

What are Management KTPs?

Management KTPs (mKTPs) operate in the same way as KTPs but with the focus specifically on management-based projects to increase business efficiency and help generate growth via partnerships with Business Schools.

mKTPs take a wide view, incorporating a range of leadership and management skills and requirements to build a strategy that drives change and improves business performance. Spanning all key business functions – from marketing to IT, creativity to strategic management; HR to employment relations; finance to logistics – mKTPs seek to support strategic management projects across all core business activities.

What will this webinar cover?

The webinar is your chance to discover more about how KTPs work, and what the specific opportunity is for companies that may wish to participate in a Management KTP.

You will hear from members of a current partnership, from both the company and graduate perspectives, as well as from the KTP Team at the University of York who will provide you with detail about the costs, the structure and how your business could benefit.

Get to ask questions to partners in a business currently involved in a KTP, what works, what’s difficult, is it value for money? Do the benefits outweigh the costs?


The webinar will be hosted on Zoom. Please register your attendance on Eventbrite, and the link to join the event and instructions will be provided.

If you do not receive this, please contact support@businessinspiredgrowth.com.

This webinar is delivered in partnership with Make it York and North Yorkshire County Council.


Andy Nelmes – Digital Program Director IBM

Andy is a qualified management accountant and spent the first part of his career building spreadsheets to improve the reporting, planning and forecasting for the multi-national companies he worked for. He then managed teams in the UK and US, replacing spreadsheet solutions with OLAP based products before joining Adaytum.

Adaytum was acquired by Cognos which was then acquired by IBM and throughout that time Andy has led teams both in Europe and the US involved in selling, implementing and developing planning products. Andy is passionate about his current role investigating how Artificial Intelligence can be used to analyse spreadsheets and transform them into Planning Analytics applications.

Alex Komninos

Alex is a KTP associate working in collaboration with the University of York and IBM as an Artificial Intelligence researcher and developer. He holds a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Democritus University of Thrace, and an Engineering Doctorate degree from the University of York.

Alex is passionate about research and application of Artificial Intelligence. He has peer-reviewed publications in the areas of natural language processing, information retrieval and optimization, and has experience applying AI techniques in industry. He currently focuses on automating the analysis and transformation of spreadsheets into IBM’s Planning Analytics applications.

Jonathan Co

Jon is a software engineer and research student working in collaboration with the University of York and IBM UK. A University of York alumni, Jon has developed software for a wide range of domains including medical monitoring at Philips, location-based social networking analytics at GeoSpock and video game support systems at Jagex.

A specialist in distributed systems and model-based software development, Jon is applying cutting edge research from the Department of Computer Science Enterprise Systems Group to enhance IBM Planning Analytics. Currently, he is seeking to bridge the gap between traditional software systems and artificial intelligence analysis frameworks.

Rukmal Abeysekera – Knowledge Transfer Manager

Tracy Dancer – KTP Project Manager