Legal series: Managing staff remotely – what to look out for

9 Nov 2020

FREE webinar: 9 November, 12:00 – 1:00pm

This free webinar will provide advice on managing your staff remotely and what you need to know from a legal perspective.

With large numbers of us working from home for the foreseeable future, you may still be facing a range of challenges with managing staff remotely. In this webinar, we’ll cover what to look out for and what companies should be aware of from a legal perspective.

In this one-hour workshop, you will learn:

  • strategies to remotely support employees’ mental health
  • how to conduct remote disciplinaries, grievances etc
  • how you can plan for the future and protect yourself, legally.

You will also be able to raise any particular legal concerns that have arisen from remote working in the last few months and gain advice on how to overcome them.


Alicia Collinson is a solicitor at Thrive Law. She trained in London to complete her training contract, before working at Thrive Law in Leeds. Thrive is a specialist employment law firm, which focuses on mental health and diversity in the workplace.


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