Visitor Economy Series: Five must-do marketing activities for a quicker post-Covid bounce back

16 Nov 2020

FREE webinar: 16 November, 11:00am – 12:00pm

This free webinar will provide advice to help tourism businesses to create a stronger foundation now so that they can bounce back with a more profitable and sustainable businesses later.

With ever-changing Covid-19 restrictions, many tourism businesses are wondering if there’s any point in doing any marketing now. If you want to make sure you bounce back stronger than before, perhaps even more profitably, there’s plenty you can be doing now.

This upbeat and fast-paced webinar will outline some essential ‘maintenance marketing’ activities you can do now to secure your future. They’re all straight-forward and low cost so can be implemented almost immediately.

In this one-hour workshop, you will learn:

  • What you can do right now to attract future bookings – even when the world is uncertain
  • Getting inside potential visitors’ minds – what do they need to hear now, and in the future?
  • Five quick, simple must-do marketing activities
  • How to choose the right marketing messages for now and the future


Susan Briggs has helped over 8000 tourism businesses to improve their marketing and develop more revenue. After 30 years in tourism marketing, her approach is both strategic and practical, understanding that most tourism businesses have very limited budgets and not enough time. She enjoys using trends and changes in the market place to exploit new opportunities and help business owners to generate more profit. Susan places strong emphasis on small, step-by-step actions that anyone can take, encouraging tourism businesses to stand out from the competition and become more sustainable.


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