Legal obligations when starting a business

Starting a business can be an exciting as your idea takes shape and becomes reality. However, it’s crucial to understand and comply with the various legal requirements to ensure that your business operates smoothly and within the boundaries of the law. In this section we have a number of resources and guidance to give you the overview of the key legal requirements you need to set your business up, what different types of business might be right for you, and what insurance your new business might need.

Still have questions? Get in touch!

Know your legal obligations

What are the legal requirements for starting a business?

The legal requirements for starting a business can seem intimidating, but our guidance can help you navigate them.

Check what you need in place

Which type of business should you be?

Sole trader? Limited partnership? Make sure you select the right business type for you to start off.

Pick the business type that’s right for you

What insurance does a new business need?

From public liability to employers’ insurance, make sure you’re protected from the start

Make sure you have the insurance you need