Man shaking hands with somebody in a blue circle overlay


Finding the right people for the right jobs at the right time is vital for any business. The average cost to a business of recruiting a new employee is around £3,000. Being properly prepared to recruit can save your business time and money.

We can link you to programmes and webinars that offer:

Support for business leaders and managers with the recruitment process – delivering guidance and tools to help you widen the talent pool you recruit from, provide support for designing job roles, advertising, shortlisting and interviewing as well as building your skills to support, manage and lead others.

Pre and post-employment training so you can support work-ready future employees with the skills to make immediate impact on your business.

Alternative recruitment paths – there are a number of options to consider including:

  • Work placements and work trials.
  • Apprenticeships, which are available for people of all ages and levels of education.
  • Traineeships – unpaid placements for young people lasting from 6 weeks to 12 months and including skills development.

Why is it good practice to review your recruitment methods?

Reviewing your recruitment methods can save time and money and result in reduced staff turnover and recruitment costs as well as increased staff performance.

Consider different ways of reaching people, including how you structure your job adverts, job descriptions and interview process. This can ensure you reach the widest pool possible, attract people with different perspectives and fresh ideas and get the right person for the job.

Alternative recruitment paths can be a cost effective way to trial future employees. In addition, the recruitment process is often supported by an organisation or Job Centre. Work placements and internships can also solve a short term project challenge without the longer term commitment of employing someone full-time.

What recruitment method are you interested in?

Four people sat around a table and smiling at one another. One is not smiling.
Three women sat at a meeting room table. Two have notebooks and 1 has a laptop in front of them.
A man and woman looking at a Macbook screen.

Recruiting work-ready individuals.

A range of projects can help meet your recruitment needs by linking you with individuals who want to work and improve their skills and confidence. These projects can also provide training relevant to your job role and get them ready to start work.

For more information on our full and part funded projects, click here.

More information

National programmes.

There are a wide range of nationwide programmes that can meet your recruitment needs. Your business can receive grants to take on employees under certain Government initiatives such as apprenticeships.

For more information on our full and part funded projects, click here.

Recruitment support for leaders and managers.

Specialist training for leaders and managers on how to recruit fairly and without bias can directly impact the quality and diversity of the people you attract.

Strong and skilled leaders and managers bring out the best in their teams. Train yours to support new recruits and benefit from better results and increased customer satisfaction.

For more information on our full and part funded projects, click here.

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Want to know more?

Through the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s (CIPD) website, you can find resources for employers on recruitment, building diversity in the workplace, and how to encourage and support neurodiverse applicants when recruiting.

If what you need isn’t covered by the categories above, just get in touch and we’ll connect you to the expertise and resources you need.

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