COVID-19 Support Programme: From adversity to recovery

We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has created huge pressure for businesses and adversity for many. Recovering from adversity and building resilience into your businesses to help manage any future shocks, is crucial to recovery.

To help businesses recover from adversity and build financial resilience for the future, the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub has launched it’s free ‘From Adversity to Recovery’ programme. This programme is designed to support SME’s who would benefit from free mentorship to help them build back from adversity and have a critical friend to help to move their business forward with resilience built in.

What’s included?

All businesses will receive a free one-to-one meeting with a specialist Growth Hub advisor arranged via Zoom or Skype.

During the session we will:

  • discuss your business and current situation
  • diagnose any challenges and opportunities
  • provide help with how to prepare for the future and any changes you may need to make
  • equip you to produce a personal survival budget and clear business plan
  • empower you to prepare effectively to attract any finance you may need to secure your future.

You will also receive a range of relevant resources to appraise your business, plan for the future and support your application for finance. These will include:

  • business plan template
  • bank-ready cash flow forecast
  • personal survival budget planner

This programme is fully funded by the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub.

To register to receive this support and book your free meeting, complete the ‘Register your interest’ form.

Register your interest