Secure your place: Peer-to-Peer Programmes 2023-24

Peer to peer business owners holding out wooden cogs to form a functioning network

The Growth Hub has previously delivered a variety of well-received peer-to-peer (P2P) programmes, both online and in-person, to businesses in York and North Yorkshire.  These groups bring together local businesses to engage in structured discussion which is led by an experienced facilitator. These facilitators play a crucial role in this process, helping to create trust and reduce isolation, especially within smaller businesses that may have less internal support. By providing a forum for decision-making and support, these groups can help businesses to grow and focus on strategy and the bigger picture.

One of the key benefits of these support groups is that they are non-competitive and discreet, allowing participants to engage in peer-support, action learning, and discussion within a safe and supportive environment. This approach has been shown to lead to significant productivity improvements, as businesses take advice from trusted sources and build a network of local peers. Participants in these support groups also benefit from making time to focus on their business, building confidence and resilience, and gaining valuable insights from their peers.

Peer support groups:

  • Bring together groups of businesses for multiple sessions, with time between for attendees to put learning into action before reconvening
  • Cover a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to: business planning, leadership and management, recruitment and retention, energy and net-zero
  • Improve business performance and confidence, increase productivity, create and safeguard jobs

Feedback from previous peer to peer groups:

“The programme was excellent, I’m really grateful to have had a place. I feel like the course has been brilliant with the support of other small business owners who face similar issues in growing their business.”

The programme exceeded my expectations. The structure and the support were well thought through and executed. The atmosphere during the group peer sessions was nurturing, constructive and inspiring, with actionable steps to be kept accountable on by the group. The one-to-one sessions were invaluable for mindset shifts and growth.

I absolutely loved the entire programme and have found it so helpful working with other people who are also sole traders and in the early stages of their businesses too. I found it very motivating and supportive.

Confirmed peer to peer support groups:

22 September Peer-to-Peer Programme: Pro-Development

27 September: Women Connect Peer to Peer Board

27 September Peer-to-Peer Programme: RTC North

6 Nov: The Courageous Females Programme

There are still more groups to be confirmed soon. If none of the above suit you, you can register your interest to be informed about future announcements here: