SME and Kick-starting tourism grant funding

Stage 1 applications for the SME and Kick-starting tourism grant funding are now closed.

The government has announced new SME and Kick-starting tourism grant funding to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) gain access to professional support, new equipment and technology.

The grant can cover digital, legal, HR, financial, health and safety or other consultancy advice, and minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology to continue to deliver a business activity or diversify in response to COVID-19. Grants can cover 100% of the cost, excluding VAT.

Application process

The grant application process forms two stages.

Due to the anticipated high demand for the scheme, the stage 1 application form was live from 10am on 30 September and closed at 10am on 5 October. During the application window the number of applications received has significantly exceeded the funding currently available from the government.

The stage 1 application is no longer live. 

We will review all submitted stage 1 applications for suitability and fit with the scheme. Emails inviting stage 2 applications will be sent out before the end of October.

Unfortunately, due to the number of applications received, not every business that meets the criteria for the grant will be invited to submit a second stage application.

Those that best demonstrate the following, will be prioritised:

  • a clear impact of COVID-19 on your business
  • your proposed activity to address the impact
  • how the proposed activity will positively impact your business through adapting products and services to meet customer needs, building resilience or minimising future business interruption.

If you are not invited to submit a Stage 2 application, you will be notified by the end of October. If more funding becomes available, there may be a second round of applications.

The scheme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact them on 0330 124 7696 or email

For more information on the support available to businesses at this difficult time, please visit our COVID-19 Support For Businesses hub

Free mentorship is also available to businesses through our ‘adversity to recovery’ scheme

Small business grant funding

Key information

Stage 1 applications are now closed

Successful applicants will be invited by the end of October to complete the stage 2 application

If you have any questions, please contact Umi directly on 0330 124 7696 or email  

Please note that the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub will not be able to answer individual questions regarding eligibility and the selection process. Please contact Umi directly using the details above.

For more information about the support available for businesses at this difficult time, visit our Coronavirus support hub